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Zen Shiatsu Chicago Wellness Classes

Wellness Classes In Chicago

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Zen Shiatsu Chicago Wellness Classes

Weekly Qigong Classes with Sue Vanags

Qigong is a weekly drop-in class. Start at any point!
Saturdays from 7:30-8:30AM, $25 per class

Attend in-person or by Zoom, and each class is recorded for review afterwards.
To attend by Zoom, email the instructor at suevanags@yahoo.com

Taught by Sue Vanags

Within each of us is a magic greater than anything we can imagine. The same energy that flows through the cosmos flows through our body. This life force is called Prana in India; Ruach in Hebrew; Qi in Chinese, and Ki in Japan. It is a force that animates our body and brings it to life.

Gong means work, cultivate, or the skillset. Qigong uses the body as the temple of transformation. Life force energy cultivation – Qi Gong, is a nourishing journey. It is the path of Dao – The WAY where exhilarating rush of freshness and a sense of extra-ordinary awaits. The levity, depth and intensity are ultimately yours to discover in your own unique way. To become a student of Qi Gong is to become a conduit of energy. You can direct, store, circulate, exchange and balance life’s greatest gift, an unlimited source.

Qi Gong is known as moving meditation. It is a time-honored healing art originated in China thousands of years ago. It has been evolving over time and has been embraced by wellness-minded individuals throughout history and across Asian cultures and gaining momentum into mainstream health and everyday exercises in America.

Qi Gong integrates physical postures (moving and stillness), breathing techniques, and focused intention and attention.

Qi Gong is a highly effective healing practice. Many healthcare professionals recommend Qi Gong as an essential form of alternative and complementary medicine.

Whether you are a seasoned qigong practitioner, or this is the first time you are hearing the word Qi Gong, or anywhere in between, the practice class will be very beneficial for you, since the power of Qi Gong is in the practice. When we practice with a group, we benefit from the group energy. We blend our Qi and heal ourselves while we heal one another in the relaxing yet energizing process of practicing.

The gentle, rhythmic movements of Qi gong will:

  • reduce stress
  • build strength
  • increase vitality
  • enhance the immune system
  • improve cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, and digestive function

Qigong Practitioners experience youthful vitality, better recovery time and vibrant health into old age. Western scientific research confirms that Qi Gong practices reduces hypertension and the incidence of falls among aging population. Most importantly, it reestablishes the body’s mind-soul connection.

Regular Qigong Practitioners practice Qi Gong to maintain health, heal their bodies, calm their minds, and reconnect with their inner truths.

Integrating mind body spirit through physical movements, breathing and awareness, qigong will:

  • Encourage an uplifting and inspiring outlook in life.
  • Helps overcome draining attitudes and behaviors
  • Support a balanced lifestyle, greater harmony, stability and enjoyment.

Qi Gong’s most significant appeal is that everyone can benefit, regardless of age, ability, belief system or life circumstances. Qigong is just as good to burn-out fatigued busy people as it is beneficial to retirees who look for ways to cultivate qualities such as profound peace, wisdom, joy, and patience.

Most of us in one way or another are caregivers, Qi Gong practice will be a reliable close companion in our life, offering us a tool that can be used daily, in building up our resilience and immunity so we can give the best care to those we are meant to serve.